Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mother Nature?... I don't think so

I was walking home from the gym yesterday cursing this blasted weather the entire way home. I started thinkin back to a past theory I had awhile back. There is no way that nature is a woman, its gotta be a married couple and we are the children "lucky" enough to call them Mommy and Daddy. This might seem like a joke but I am being serious. I mean lets think about this and pull some facts, lets compare this to our my own family.
Back in the day if I wanted an extension on curfew who would I ask? Mom of course, she'd want to know why I wanted an extension, who I'd be with and what time I'd be home. After some persuading she'd give in, send me on my merry way with a kiss on the cheek and 10 extra bucks in my pocket. Now, if I would have gone to Dad with this same request this is how the conversation would have played out:
Sian: "Hey Matt, can I stay out 2 extra hours tonight?
Matt: "No."
Sian: "But you haven't even allowed me to tell you why."
Matt: "I don't need to hear it, the answer is still no."
Sian: " But, if I can't stay out just a little bit later everyone..."
(rudely interrupted)
Matt: "Like I said Sian, you be home by midnight or else."
Now how many people can relate to this story? Lots I'm sure, I mean this can be related to almost any topic; raise on allowance, car privileges, dating rules etc etc. So I'm asking, who in the worlds idea was it to call nature a woman(that is a rhetorical question of course, it was a mans)? Now, do you all remember that great day we had on Friday? The sun was shining, there were people all around enjoying the 70 degree weather, the perfect day(with the exception of our beloved Aggies losing), I know I sure enjoyed myself. You see, that was all Mother Natures doing, she realized how stressed we all are by a crazy spring semester and she just wanted to reward us, for giving all we've got to give day in and day out, by giving us the perfect day. But then, Father nature had to go in put his two sense in. He figured we've been given enough, the winter was not nearly as harsh as it has been in years past, winter just ended and they don't need 70 degree weather in March, save that weather for June. This list can go on and on. So, next time it snows( and I promise you it will before this semester is over) don't go cursing Mother Nature right off the bat, maybe try looking at her husband. Just a thought...
And that is all I have to say about that.


  1. I can see you have had a lot of time to think about this. I hope you're enjoying the snow today. :)
